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Personal Story 07.12.2017

Allison's Story

allison kugel standing shot_0.jpgAt 3 AM on a July 2012 morning, I lay helpless on an emergency room cot, unable to experience any emotion other than fear and the physical sensat

Personal Story 05.25.2017

Stressed Out?

Rivka.pngRivka Bennun is a fourteen year old freshman at Shulamith High School for Girls in Cedarhurst, NY.

Personal Story 05.22.2017

Kayleigh's Story

KayleighPic.jpgI have battled more at the age of 25 than most humans do in a lifetime. Take a moment to think of the most dreadfully painful experience you have had – I can empathize with you.

Personal Story 05.22.2017

Stephanie's Story

Stephanie-C.pngStephanie generously shared her story and her struggle with anxiety and depression with the ADAA community last year (and has been very grateful for the support she re

Personal Story 05.08.2017

Breaking the Stigma Through Art

MarkBermudez.JPGMark Bermudez, an art student at Florida International University, reached out to ADAA a few months ago to let us know that he was working on a project for his Graph

The challenge for me was I’m not just creating these posters for myself, but for everyone who views them; and follows your organization. I really wanted to create posters that were uplifting.
Personal Story 05.05.2017

Being Ok with Not Being Ok

ChinaMcCarney.jpgI have lived with anxiety since 2009. I was 22 years old. My first panic attack occurred that year.

"My life began to change when I started to embrace my anxiety instead of being embarrassed by it."
Blog post 03.17.2017

Focal Brain Stimulation Interventions for Depression and Anxiety

Focal brain stimulation techniques are potentially powerful tools for the investigation and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. These approaches include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), and deep brain stimulation among others.

Blog post 03.17.2017

Understanding the Neural Basis of Fear to Transform our Anxieties

We have all felt afraid.  Fear makes some feel unique, alone, embarrassed, or ashamed, while others may become angry, defensive, or hostile.  Socially, group experiences of fear of the unknown and xenophobia can drive negative political movements and mass hysteria.

Blog post 01.27.2017

What Does “Overcoming” Anxiety Really Mean?

Naturally, when individuals seek treatment for anxiety, their primary goal is to “stop…worrying/panicking/obsessing/etc.” This is understandable because the symptoms have caused turmoil in their lives!