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Personal Story 01.11.2024

I Didn't Shower for Weeks

Anxiety and depression took over and consumed every aspect of life, I didn’t shower for weeks because I was so pre-occupied with fear and panic!
Personal Story 01.09.2024

Crawling Through Fear

At the young age of 7 years old, I was diagnosed with agoraphobia. At the time, I didn't understand such a big word. Nobody does when you are that young. As I grew older, things only felt like they were getting worse.
Blog post 01.05.2024

How to Process Inconceivable World Events While Living Daily Life

How can we process inconceivable events and go about living our day to day lives? As a trauma and anxiety therapist, I am here to tell you that while it is extremely difficult, it is possible. Here are some suggestions for how to cope during these difficult times.
Blog post 01.04.2024

How to Stop Pulling or Picking

Compulsive hair pulling (trichotillomania) and skin picking (excoriation) are Body Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorders (BFRBs). If you’re one of the 200+ million people who live with a BFRB, then you know how incredibly difficult these habits are to stop.
Blog post 12.22.2023

Let’s Go To SPACE

SPACE stands for Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions and is a game-changer for parents navigating the trickiness of childhood anxiety. SPACE is all about empowering you, the parents, to be a rock-solid support system for your child dealing with anxiety.
Blog post 12.20.2023

5 Tips for Using Interoceptive Exposure to Face Your Fears

Fear is one of the six basic human emotions, with a clear evolutionary purpose: to help us respond to danger and survive. In Exposure Therapy, providers create a safe environment to intentionally “expose” their clients to objects, activities, or situations they fear.