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Article 02.16.2015

Residential Treatment Centers

A residential treatment center (RTC), sometimes called a rehab, is a live-in health care facility providing therapy for substance abuse, mental illness, or other behavioral problems.  Please note that there are very few in-patient residential treatment center

Page 10.19.2009

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is diagnosed in people who experience spontaneous seemingly out-of-the-blue panic attacks and are very preoccupied with the fear of a recurring attack.
Personal Story 02.15.2024

Living with Emetophobia as a College Student

Living with Emetophobia is a constant challenge. Nausea plagues me relentlessly, feeding into a vicious cycle of anxiety. Despite the hardships, I hold onto hope for progress.
Personal Story 01.29.2024

Using the Five Senses

Anxiety can come on randomly at any time—it’s normal! I’ve learned that grounding is the best way to bring yourself back down from an attack. Here is one technique I’ve learned which uses the five senses.
Personal Story 01.11.2024

I Didn't Shower for Weeks

Anxiety and depression took over and consumed every aspect of life, I didn’t shower for weeks because I was so pre-occupied with fear and panic!
Blog post 12.20.2023

5 Tips for Using Interoceptive Exposure to Face Your Fears

Fear is one of the six basic human emotions, with a clear evolutionary purpose: to help us respond to danger and survive. In Exposure Therapy, providers create a safe environment to intentionally “expose” their clients to objects, activities, or situations they fear.
Video (YouTube or Vimeo) 12.08.2023

What is Tardive Dyskinesia (TD)?

Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) is a neurological condition that can cause involuntary movements of the face, tongue, and other body parts.
Personal Story 11.23.2023

The Ebbs and Flows of My Mental Health Disorders

Getting sick was both sudden and gradual. The timeline of my mental health disorder, or rather disorders because I endured several, was so erratic, waxing and waning, often corresponding to a momentous event in my life or the birth of one of my children or the death of a loved one.
Personal Story 10.26.2023

The Stigma of Anxiety Disorder

The stigma of mental illness continues to be an issue in our world. Its impact will often delay a person who struggles with mental health from addressing their concerns the moment they have them.
Personal Story 08.31.2023

Finding the Light at the End of the Tunnel

My name is Daneisha and I'm an African American woman who suffers from severe anxiety and stress. I was around 18 years old when I had my first panic attack. I couldn't breathe and it felt like I was going to die.