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Personal Story 05.27.2021

Greatest Day of My Life

Early in 2020 I experienced my first panic attack at the age of 34. I had entered into psychotherapy a few months earlier and things seemed to be getting better.
Personal Story 05.21.2015

Resolve and Resilience From Panic

Rita Zoey ChinThere was a time when basic things—like driving, climbing a flight of stairs, taking a shower, or going through the checkout line at

I'm grateful for the experience of my panic, because it taught me that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to panic and anxiety.
Page 04.23.2015

Spread the Word

Help us spread the word about the benefits of treatment for anxiety and mood disorders, OCD, and PTSD — for children and teens, women, men, and all those suffering from related illnesses.

Personal Story 03.30.2015

No More Constant Fear

Wills MurrayMy earliest childhood memories are of constant fear. A skinny kid with crooked teeth, somewhat shy and reserved with social anxiety, I was an easy target for bullies, which made my issues even more difficult to handle. I never spoke to anyone about my feelings because I felt they were my fault.

No matter how bad things seem, you were meant to win.
Personal Story 02.26.2013

Running for Myself

A lot of things scare me. Right now, those things include my first 20-mile run of marathon training that I have this weekend and sharing this post. That’s the thing with fears, though. Embracing them usually makes you stronger.

People need help. And asking for it isn?t a weakness. Admitting you need help and asking for it? That is acknowledging fear and gaining strength from it.
Personal Story 09.06.2012

Perfectionism and Panic

Kara Baskin familyBack in 2006, I had it all: A loving fiancé, a coveted publishing job, a supportive network of friends and family.

The world was once my oyster; now, it was my prison.
Personal Story 12.10.2010

Childhood Panic—and Hope

It started at the onset of puberty, when I was 11 years old. I was at school, watching my older sister load the school bus to be taken away to 6th-grade camp. Suddenly a wave of panic overcame me. I don't recall my physical symptoms other than a racing heart and nausea.

I?m trying to get off medication so I can have a baby. It's been tough and I've experienced many setbacks, but I haven't given up.
Personal Story 10.29.2010

Ending the Nightmare

Michael Timmermann, personal storyAn excellent student, a talented singer and musician, a competitive athlete.

Shortly after beginning CBT, I was able to discontinue medication and stop seeing a therapist.
Page 08.12.2010

Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

Children and teens with bipolar disorder experience unusual and extreme mood changes, which can affect energy and behavior. These changes are different from  normal childhood and adolescent ups and downs.

Page 10.27.2009

Eating Disorders

Most people can find something they don’t like about their body, and many take steps to eat more healthfully or start an exercise plan to improve their appearance.