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Blog post 09.15.2023

Family Accommodations

Obsessive and compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms intensely impact individuals and the entire system in which they live. It can be beyond challenging and painful to watch someone you love struggle with severe anxiety, panic attacks, and engage in behaviors (or thoughts) that do not seem rational.
Blog post 07.31.2023

Heat and Mental Health

As we are experiencing heat domes across the planet, there is emerging evidence from recent publications that heat, among effects on many other human activities, can also have profound effects on mental health. - Martin Paulus, PhD
Blog post 06.30.2023

Mindfulness for Sickness and Pain

Sensations of pain and illness in our bodies naturally grab our attention. This attention to pain and illness also naturally evokes emotional responses.
Blog post 11.15.2022

Hadassah Foundation Cameroon: The Journey

As the Executive Director of ADAA, I am always thrilled when we realize our work is making a difference and that we are reaching farther and wider. So, when the Hadassah Foundation, a mental health organization in Cameroon, contacted ADAA with a request to access our free member-created, publicly available, evidence-based resources, we not only acquiesced, we collaborated.  
Page 03.04.2020


For many in our public community the COVID pandemic is still triggering increased anxiety. Find helpful tips and strategies from our ADAA mental health professionals.
Page 09.14.2016

Health Anxiety

Health anxiety is the misinterpretation of normal bodily sensations as dangerous. It involves a preoccupation with the belief that one has, or is in danger of developing, a serious illness.
Article 02.16.2015

Residential Treatment Centers

A residential treatment center (RTC), sometimes called a rehab, is a live-in health care facility providing therapy for substance abuse, mental illness, or other behavioral problems.  Please note that there are very few in-patient residential treatment center

Page 10.16.2009

Understand Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety disorders are real, serious medical conditions - just as real and serious as physical disorders such as heart disease or diabetes. Anxiety disorders are the most common and pervasive mental disorders in the United States.
Personal Story 06.13.2024

Courage Unveiled: My Journey with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Thus began my journey to explore GAD more deeply... Along the way, I found the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. I read shared stories, explored resources, and joined a forum full of people like me; a safe space. This community became a beacon of light and a much-needed outlet.
Blog post 06.12.2024

How and Why Therapy Prevented Anxiety During the Pandemic

"At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself overwhelmed with anxiety. I was rightfully worried about the transition of over 500 individuals and families to telehealth... To my very pleasant surprise, my anxieties did not come to fruition." Read Dr. Rosmarin's findings about how in person and telehealth therapy helped prevent patient's anxiety during the pandemic.