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Social Anxiety Disorder
What is Social Anxiety Disorder? The defining feature of social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, is intense anxiety or fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social or performance situation.
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I’m Not Crazy, Just Traumatized
Don’t give up fighting for your mental health when your gut knows something’s not right either with you, or with the diagnosis you’ve been given, fight to live.
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What Happens in Vegas in April Will Help The Future of Youth Mental Health: In Conversation with the #ADAA2025 Conference Co-Chairs
ADAA’s 2025 conference in Las Vegas (April 3 – 5) will focus on youth mental health, which is currently a global crisis. Drs. Fitzgerald and Forbes, this year's conference co-chairs, are dedicated to and passionate about youth mental health. Read the blog to learn more about our 2025 conference topic.
Personal Story
Healing My Speaking Anxiety So I Can Empower Others
I, like many others, was led to believe that feeling the fear and doing it anyway was the answer, or that repetition would somehow make it magically go away. In my case, I needed to go inward and process childhood and adolescent traumas that had been unhealed in order to truly heal and release the fear.
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10 Strategies to Help Kids Manage Uncomfortable Emotions
In a world that values immediate gratification and ease, it can be challenging to teach kids how to tolerate these feelings without intentional practice.
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ADAA Member Book Blogs
Every quarter ADAA interviews three members for a blog that showcases new books by our esteemed experts.
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Understanding the Complexity of Complex PTSD (CPTSD)
Growing up in Japan with a workaholic surgeon father and an often-absent socialite mother, I was raised by a revolving cast of caregivers who worked at my father's hospital. An unstable home environment and lack of a consistent caregiver created in me a melancholic, anxious child prone to insomnia.
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What is Trauma, What is PTSD, Who is Affected, and How to Get Help
What happens in PTSD, is that the brain goes into the fight and flight mode and is constantly on alert to protect the person from recurrence of the highly dangerous experience. But the problem is that it cannot come down from that state of heightened arousal, even after leaving the dangerous situation, and coming back to the safe life environment.
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Is What You're Feeling PTSD? What To Do To Help
If you’re wondering whether you or a loved one might be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), there are some important things for you to know.
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Are the Kids Really Alright? Troubling Headlines, Teenage Girls, and Declining Mental Health
The headlines and the CDC report are indeed alarming, but they should serve as a wakeup call to all of us. Yes, we should think seriously about why we are seeing a steep decline in the mental health of teenage girls, but we have to come together now as parents, family, friends, educators, clinicians, providers, and as a society to support, enhance and establish more preventive measures for our youth.
Personal Story
Managing My Mental Health Journey
Remember that healing takes time, but it is possible. With the right tools and support, you can overcome your struggles and live a happy and fulfilling life.
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Horror and Anguish are Playing out on Repeat Following the Latest Mass Shooting
Yet another community is stricken with grief. In addition to those who are experiencing direct loss, such events also take a toll on others, including those who witnessed the shooting, first responders, people who were nearby and those who hear about it through the media.