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Video (non-embed) 06.04.2014

Social Anxiety Disorder in Adults

Adults with social anxiety disorder often feel alone and ashamed, and they may have few or no social or romantic relationships. People may have more than one anxiety disorder, as well as depression.

Video (non-embed) 06.04.2014

Social Anxiety Disorder in Children and Teens

The typical age of onset is 13 years old, but children younger than 8 or 9 can also suffer. Symptoms may be so extreme that they disrupt daily life. Children, adolescents, and teens with this disorder may have few or no friends. They may not participate in class or play at recess.

Video (non-embed) 06.04.2014

Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment

A health professional can provide a diagnosis and individualized treatment plan for social anxiety disorder. Both cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication are scientifically proven effective treatments.

Video (non-embed) 06.04.2014

Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Those with social anxiety disorder experience an intense fear of being scrutinized and negatively evaluated by others in social or performance situations. Some literally feel sick.

Video (non-embed) 06.04.2014

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder affects more than 15 million Americans of all ages, races, and cultures, and it may be present in children as well as adults. This disorder is an intense fear of being negatively judged by others.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Anxiety Disorders — What Is Normal?

What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, worried, or even anxious. Anxiety is a reaction to the stress, a feeling of apprehension or fear.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Defining Anxiety Disorders

Discover when you should become concerned that you might have an anxiety disorder.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Learn the symptoms typical of anxiety disorders, and in particular of GAD, or generalized anxiety disorder. The symptoms of each anxiety disorder vary in different people, but they all provoke extreme fear or worry that interferes with daily life.