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Blog post 11.15.2022

Hadassah Foundation Cameroon: The Journey

As the Executive Director of ADAA, I am always thrilled when we realize our work is making a difference and that we are reaching farther and wider. So, when the Hadassah Foundation, a mental health organization in Cameroon, contacted ADAA with a request to access our free member-created, publicly available, evidence-based resources, we not only acquiesced, we collaborated.  
Page 11.02.2022

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to a lack of sunlight or changes in seasons. Have you ever heard of the 'winter blues'? SAD is very similar to the winter blues but with increased symptoms.
Article 10.16.2020

Tips to Manage Depression

Depression can make you feel like nothing will help, or that any relief will be temporary, and it can create a cycle of maladaptive thinking, feeling, and doing (or non-doing). However, depression is treatable, and in addition to psychiatric treatment and therapy, there are steps you can take to cope with depression.   
Page 03.04.2020


For many in our public community the COVID pandemic is still triggering increased anxiety. Find helpful tips and strategies from our ADAA mental health professionals.
Article 10.27.2009


Symptoms of depression can include any of the following: Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood, Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism...
Page 10.19.2009

What is Depression?

Most people feel low and sad at times. However, for those diagnosed with depression, the manifestations of the low mood are much more severe and they tend to persist.
Personal Story 06.18.2024

A Black or Biracial Woman's Mental Health Nightmare

I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder at the age of 23. I went on to work for many years, marry, divorce, and have three children. And in my 30s I added anxiety and schizoaffective disorder to my mental health repertoire.
Webinar 06.17.2024

Ask the Authors Q & A: The BFRB Recovery Workbook

Join ADAA on July 31st at noon ET for a Live Q & A with Dr. Marla Deibler and Dr Renae Reinardy, authors of The BFRB Recovery Workbook, a self-paced workbook that provides evidence-based tools to examine your BFRB in a new way.
Blog post 06.12.2024

How and Why Therapy Prevented Anxiety During the Pandemic

"At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself overwhelmed with anxiety. I was rightfully worried about the transition of over 500 individuals and families to telehealth... To my very pleasant surprise, my anxieties did not come to fruition." Read Dr. Rosmarin's findings about how in person and telehealth therapy helped prevent patient's anxiety during the pandemic.