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Blog post 10.30.2023

Tips for Protecting Yourself and Your Children from Disturbing Media Images

Limit the depth of exposure to details. People can consume news in limited ways. In other words, learn what’s happening, then stop there. Avoid the urge for disaster voyeurism. If you have heard the story, you might not need to search for the images or the videos; if you have seen them, there is no need to revisit them over and over.
Blog post 10.23.2023

Attracting Top Talent in a Competitive Market

It’s no secret that the healthcare industry is struggling to find and retain top talent. While the workforce landscape is competitive, recruiting talented employees is not impossible.
Personal Story 10.21.2023

I Need a Backbone

In September of 2015, I lost my dad suddenly. I often get connected to people who have experienced the sudden loss or loss of a parent at an early age — sometimes it feels like I should wear a name tag and say, 'I lost my dad early on'...
Blog post 10.12.2023

Compulsions – They Aren’t Always What They Seem

Whether we hear the term from a client, another provider, or our own classification of someone’s symptoms, “compulsions” tend carry with them some level of assumption – that this might just be OCD.
Personal Story 10.10.2023

My ABCs for Anxiety and Stress Relief

Without therapy I truly believe I would not have been able to get better nor would I have been able to accept the anxiety as a part of who I am. My anxiety will never be completely gone and I have come to terms with that, but now I try to redirect it in a positive way.
Personal Story 10.04.2023

I Deserve To Be Well

The dull ache of depression had lodged in my belly for several years like a sponge, soaking away the dopamine and serotonin from the rest of my body, buoyed only by, “it runs in the family,” from a generation that thought therapy, and especially medication, meant institutionalization and perhaps an eventual lobotomy.  
Personal Story 09.28.2023

It Sounded Better in My Head

My father and I wrote IT SOUNDED BETTER IN MY HEAD — a fictional account of my mental health journey and my personal growth through music.  In a country, where it seems the majority of our youth are silently struggling with mental health, I think our story will resonate for a wide population as we all suffer together.
Blog post 09.27.2023

How to Talk About Suicide, from a Psychologist Who Lost a Loved One

It can be difficult to talk about suicide. It’s a taboo topic, fraught with discomfort. Couple that with some harmful misunderstandings and our tendency, as a society, to shy away from hard conversations, and it’s no wonder that you may struggle to find the right words.