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Blog post 01.11.2019

How Do You Talk to Your Loved One Suffering With Depression?

Family members often feel frustrated and helpless as they do not know what to say or how to behave with their loved one who they may view as not being proactive in trying to get better or being irritable and negative with them.

Blog post 07.09.2018

Childhood Depression

Rates of childhood depression have been rising in the last several years. Yet, information and awareness about childhood depression has not caught on at the same rate. Millions of people across the world wonder and doubt if children can get depressed.

Blog post 03.12.2018

Intimate Partner Violence – What Is It and What Does It Look Like?

Intimate partner violence (IPV) takes place in all settings, in all socioeconomic, religious, ethnic, and cultural groups. The overwhelming global burden of IPV is endured by women, and the most common perpetrators of violence against women are male intimate partners or ex-partners.

Blog post 03.06.2018

Anxiety and Depression in Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals

People who identify as sexual (i.e., lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer) or gender (i.e., transgender, genderqueer, non-binary) minorities have similar symptoms of anxiety and depression as heterosexual and cisgender (non-transgender) individuals.