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Blog post 02.08.2023

Keep Your Mental Health in the Game: Therapy and Support for Athletes

Athletes will continue to work hard, push themselves, and make their bodies do things many of us can only marvel at, but the attention and awareness to mental health in the field of sports gives them a fighting chance with conditions like anxiety and depression.
Blog post 12.08.2022

A Trend Worth Setting: Influencers Support ADAA and Mental Health Awareness

These generous people lend us their voices, their stories and experiences, and help us shed light on underreported issues like male body dysmorphia and the traumatic effects on the family and friends of a person who died by suicide. Some even use their incredible talents in sports to reach individuals around the world. 
Blog post 11.28.2022

This Man, 26.2 Miles: David H. Rosmarin Goes the Distance for ADAA

For the second year in a row, ADAA member David H. Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP, ran a fundraising campaign in conjunction with his Philadelphia marathon, raising a total of over $5,000 for ADAA. Dr. Rosmarin is raising awareness about depression and sat down with ADAA to talk about this mental health illness.
Blog post 10.25.2022

This Just In: Antidepressants Don’t Work Anymore 

Please note that this is an opinion piece by an ADAA colleague member --    "...the conclusion of a study published in Molecular Psychiatry in July 2022 – that there is “no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations” – is not surprising, or even new. What is surprising is that popular media is interpreting the study’s conclusions to say that if serotonin is not the cause of depression, then antidepressants don’t work. Huh?   
Blog post 09.23.2022

Minding Depression: Calling on Screening and Treatment to Narrow the Gap

A newly published study on depression in the American Journal for Preventive Medicine reports that from 2015 to 2020 the prevalence of depression in the United States, particularly among adolescents and young adults in the nation, increased and that the pandemic contributed to a worsening mental health crisis.
Blog post 08.31.2022

Understanding Group Therapy and Support Groups

Across mental healthcare right now, there is an increased demand for services and not enough resources to meet those needs; group therapy is a means by which our mental health system may provide care to people in a timelier manner.
Blog post 07.27.2022

Recognizing the Psychological Toll of Infertility in Women

There is currently an unmet mental health need for women experiencing infertility. Embedded mental health care could help bridge this gap by providing access to care in the fertility clinic, a setting that may be more convenient and comfortable for women.
Blog post 05.11.2022

Should I Treat my Depression or Anxiety with Nutraceuticals and Herbs?

Nutraceuticals and herbal remedies are very popular in the United States and worldwide.  Reasons for their popularity include access without a prescription, and generally fewer side effects compared to prescription drugs.  However, the safety and efficacy products are less well studied and understood compared to FDA approved drugs. With growing use, we have seen more cases of serious side effects, toxic reactions, and interactions with other drugs.  Shopping for nutraceuticals can also be tricky because different commercial preparations may vary in purity and strength.  Finally, these treatments are not generally covered by medical insurance, so the consumer must pay out of pocket.