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Blog post 10.06.2022

Task Force Guidance for Anxiety Screening Should Open a Series of Mental Health Support Doors

As the old adage goes, there’s a first time for everything. In the field of psychiatry, we are cautiously celebrating a recent first-time recommendation by the US Preventive Services Task Force calling on primary care providers to screen all adults under the age of 65 for anxiety. Unlike screening for hypertension or diabetes, detecting anxiety can be a lot more challenging, and getting a valid and reliable screening tool is essential.
Blog post 08.31.2022

Understanding Group Therapy and Support Groups

Across mental healthcare right now, there is an increased demand for services and not enough resources to meet those needs; group therapy is a means by which our mental health system may provide care to people in a timelier manner.
Blog post 08.23.2022

Providing OCD Clients with a Choice

With the emergence of I-CBT (which is not new, just new to many of us), we have additional options (for treating OCD). This does not mean we are throwing away other effective treatments like ERP and ACT. In fact, we are doing the opposite!  We have more tools  to provide clients to make sure they have the highest chance for success.
Blog post 07.27.2022

Recognizing the Psychological Toll of Infertility in Women

There is currently an unmet mental health need for women experiencing infertility. Embedded mental health care could help bridge this gap by providing access to care in the fertility clinic, a setting that may be more convenient and comfortable for women.
Blog post 06.22.2022

How to Talk with Your Children and Teens in the Aftermath of a Violent Event

The key message for parents to convey after exposure to any type of trauma or violence is to ensure that your child feels safe and loved. This can be challenging given the frequency of these events.  Knowing what your child’s school is doing to address risk is important so that you can talk with your child and give them a safe home context as well. 
Blog post 06.03.2022

Anticipatory Anxiety: Bleeding Before You Are Cut

Anticipatory anxiety involves worry about—and the urge to avoid—not only anxiety or panic, but also disgust, anger, shame, regret, humiliation, becoming overwhelmed, or any other unwanted emotion. We think of anticipatory anxiety as a third layer of fear.
Blog post 06.03.2022

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive

It is natural to seek some reassurance when confronted with uncertainty. Reassurance can help to calm a doubt, allay a worry, solidify a plan of action, or guide a decision. 
Blog post 05.31.2022

What You Can Do to Overcome the Effects of Anxiety Disorders

It takes courage to successfully deal with anxiety disorders, but with lots of good information, coaching and support from your therapist and others you can learn to do it. You may not think that you have much courage because you have an anxiety disorder that make you fearful at times. However, courage is not acting without fear. It is acting despite fear. I have seen many, many examples of people with anxiety disorders who learned coping skills, to help them face their fears, and as a result got better and better over time. You can too.
Blog post 05.20.2022

Social Anxiety After Quarantine Is Normal

As COVID restrictions get a little less and less frigid with the ongoing vaccination campaigns, a lot of us are very excited to resume some of our normal work and social life. At the same time, we may experience a burst of anxiety as we start to get out of quarantine-- after all, it’s been a really long time, right?!  To help ease up that anxious feeling, Dr. Carmichael has packaged some of her favorite pointers into an easy-to-remember acronym of S.U.N. to help you cope!