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Blog post
What Happens in Vegas in April Will Help The Future of Youth Mental Health: In Conversation with the #ADAA2025 Conference Co-Chairs
ADAA’s 2025 conference in Las Vegas (April 3 – 5) will focus on youth mental health, which is currently a global crisis. Drs. Fitzgerald and Forbes, this year's conference co-chairs, are dedicated to and passionate about youth mental health. Read the blog to learn more about our 2025 conference topic.
Blog post
10 Strategies to Help Kids Manage Uncomfortable Emotions
In a world that values immediate gratification and ease, it can be challenging to teach kids how to tolerate these feelings without intentional practice.
Blog post
Are the Kids Really Alright? Troubling Headlines, Teenage Girls, and Declining Mental Health
The headlines and the CDC report are indeed alarming, but they should serve as a wakeup call to all of us. Yes, we should think seriously about why we are seeing a steep decline in the mental health of teenage girls, but we have to come together now as parents, family, friends, educators, clinicians, providers, and as a society to support, enhance and establish more preventive measures for our youth.
Blog post
Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Autism and Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Program and the Anxiety and Depression Program at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center :
Blog post
Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder