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Blog post 10.25.2022

This Just In: Antidepressants Don’t Work Anymore 

Please note that this is an opinion piece by an ADAA colleague member --    "...the conclusion of a study published in Molecular Psychiatry in July 2022 – that there is “no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations” – is not surprising, or even new. What is surprising is that popular media is interpreting the study’s conclusions to say that if serotonin is not the cause of depression, then antidepressants don’t work. Huh?   
Blog post 10.20.2022

Is it OCD or Social Anxiety? Or is it Both?

 In true form, for OCD lovers like myself, I posed more questions than answers in the title.  That was intentional, to be funny, eye-catching, and thought-provoking.  Hopefully, I pulled off at least two of th

Blog post 10.06.2022

Task Force Guidance for Anxiety Screening Should Open a Series of Mental Health Support Doors

As the old adage goes, there’s a first time for everything. In the field of psychiatry, we are cautiously celebrating a recent first-time recommendation by the US Preventive Services Task Force calling on primary care providers to screen all adults under the age of 65 for anxiety. Unlike screening for hypertension or diabetes, detecting anxiety can be a lot more challenging, and getting a valid and reliable screening tool is essential.
Blog post 09.19.2022

Youth Residential Treatment – What to Know and What to Ask

Residential facilities can provide a safe, structured, and treatment-oriented environment for children who need temporary care outside of the home or community. To ensure you find the right placement for your child, we recommend asking the center or facility that you are considering some important questions about their program, best practices, and regulations.
Blog post 07.15.2022

Five Fantastic Formats to Engage Youth to Talk About Social Identity

The digital natives we child-focused clinicians work with are simply incredible. Not only do they know their way around technology far better than many adults, but they’re also often fluid with their identity: openly embracing either their or their peers’ diverse ancestry, gender identity, sexual orientation, religions, family background, financial standing, as well as neurodivergence and disabilities in themselves and others.
Blog post 05.20.2022

Social Anxiety After Quarantine Is Normal

As COVID restrictions get a little less and less frigid with the ongoing vaccination campaigns, a lot of us are very excited to resume some of our normal work and social life. At the same time, we may experience a burst of anxiety as we start to get out of quarantine-- after all, it’s been a really long time, right?!  To help ease up that anxious feeling, Dr. Carmichael has packaged some of her favorite pointers into an easy-to-remember acronym of S.U.N. to help you cope!
Blog post 09.10.2021

How to Build Resilient Health Care Teams

The current pandemic has unleashed unique stressors on our health care community. While many medical and mental health care workers have responded with resilience, our health care workforce is not immune to the trauma and suffering they face.
Blog post 09.10.2021

How to Build Resilient Health Care Teams

The current pandemic has unleashed unique stressors on our health care community. While many medical and mental health care workers have responded with resilience, our health care workforce is not immune to the trauma and suffering they face.