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Blog post 09.14.2016

How to Get Over It: Fear of Vomiting

The fear of vomiting can become so all-consuming and terrifying that eating becomes a struggle and weight loss becomes dangerous. As sufferers try to protect themselves from throwing up, their world shrinks until it becomes impossible to work, go to school, or to socialize.

Blog post 11.22.2023

Gratitude - A Mental Health Game Changer

ADAA Blog Post by Ashley Smith, PhD - Research shows that the more present we are, the happier we tend to be, even when the present moment isn’t pleasant or enjoyable. Rumination is a sneaky mental habit that zaps us of joy. This is where gratitude can be particularly helpful.
Blog post 11.21.2023

We Can Be Thankful In Times of Anxiety, Uncertainty and Tragic News

Disastrous news gets delivered in a highly emotional way – often on purpose – and while having strong feelings for the victims of war, floods, earthquakes, mass shootings or horrific accidents is justified, we also have to be logical and in tune with our own emotional processes when interpreting the news.
Blog post 01.15.2022

How to Beat the Blue Monday (and Beyond) Blues

While it’s pretty common to have periods of feeling down, sad, or blue, especially this time of year, sometimes it’s more serious than that. Depression is real, and it’s important to recognize it and get proper treatment.
Blog post 11.16.2020

Planning for Success in the Pandemic Version of the Holidays

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, especially those who are prone to anxiety and depression.  The social isolation, uncertainty about employment, income, health and the health of Covid vulnerable people you love has posed a unique challenge for us all.

Blog post 06.19.2020

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and the Impact of COVID-19 and Quarantine

Body Dysphoric Disorder (BDD) is described as the disease of “self- perceived ugliness” or “self-imagined ugliness.” It is also seen as a distressing preoccupation with one or more physical non-existence “defects.” In the DSM-5, BDD is classified under Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders.

Blog post 02.13.2019

Valentine’s Day: Day of Love or Day of Longing?

What comes to your mind when you think of Valentine’s Day? If you suffer from anxiety and worry, then there is a good chance that you are concerned about being disappointed or about disappointing someone.

Blog post 09.19.2016

8 Steps to Overcoming Your Fear of Flying

1. Latch on to triggers that set you off.

Figure out what frightens you and examine how your anxiety reaction is triggered. Your goal is to identify your particular triggers, so you can manage your fear when anxiety levels are low.

Blog post 08.15.2016

3 Things Your College Kid Must Know About Mental Health

College is typically a challenging experience with some expected highs and lows. For some it is also the time during which common mental health problems start. Because of this, you have to talk to your kid about mental health before school starts.