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Blog post 09.10.2021

How to Build Resilient Health Care Teams

The current pandemic has unleashed unique stressors on our health care community. While many medical and mental health care workers have responded with resilience, our health care workforce is not immune to the trauma and suffering they face.
Blog post 06.22.2021

Minute-by-Minute: Changing the Way we Measure Anxiety

ADAA Member Amanda Baker, PhD, Daniella Levine, BA, and Donald J. Robinaugh, PhD author this blog post: Anxiety takes many shapes. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) allows us a glimpse into the real-world experience of living with anxiety disorders.
Blog post 05.18.2021

Retraining the Brain

ADAA members Sheila Rauch, PhD, ABPP and Carmen McLean, PhD - The past 30 years of research has seen vast leaps in our understanding of how the brain works in function and dysfunction.
Blog post 02.17.2021

How to Know When to Seek Therapy

by Lynne Siqueland People often wonder. When does it make sense to begin therapy? Therapists use two primary reasons to see if treatment would be recommended.
Blog post 02.13.2021

CBT for Weight Control

It can be challenging to control your weight. In today’s modern world, it is more convenient to order take out than to cook a meal and take the elevator instead of the stairs. Over time, a pattern of eating unhealthy foods and being sedentary can lead to excessive weight gain.

Blog post 08.19.2020

A To-Do List for White Psychologists (and other Anti-Racist Allies) in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent increased awareness of systemic racism have left me, a white psychologist, at a loss for words. I wanted to write a post for other anti-racist allies who are also struggling to voice and act in increasingly anti-racist ways both personally and professionally.