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Blog post 07.06.2022

Why You Should Become an ADAA Conference Sponsor

Being an ADAA sponsor at the  conference in Denver in 2022 was a solid business decision, an important way for us to give back to an organization we believe in, and also a blast!

Blog post 07.06.2022

Importance of Self-Care to the Mental Health of BIPOC Communities

Communities of color often have cultures that are rooted in the importance of community and family. Therefore, people of color are used to taking care of others and can find it difficult to prioritize self-care. However, self-care can be a powerful mental health tool for fostering mental well-being.
Blog post 07.05.2022

Overcoming Insomnia and Making Improved Sleep a Reality

Getting a good night’s sleep provides many benefits. It reduces stress, supports health satisfaction, and allows one to feel overall more balanced. What happens though if the bed becomes associated with repeated stress, anxiety, and constant sleepless nights?

Blog post 06.22.2022

Like Mother, Like Son: Passing the Torch to the Next Generation

“The ADAA conference provided me with a platform to continue my journey forward into greater understanding of how best to support and treat the patients that I have come to be so inspired by…,” Alex said, adding he is also grateful to his mother and the chance to continue her work into the next era of mental health as the field expands and improves. 
Blog post 06.22.2022

How to Talk with Your Children and Teens in the Aftermath of a Violent Event

The key message for parents to convey after exposure to any type of trauma or violence is to ensure that your child feels safe and loved. This can be challenging given the frequency of these events.  Knowing what your child’s school is doing to address risk is important so that you can talk with your child and give them a safe home context as well. 
Blog post 06.04.2022

Busting Myths that Keep Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts Stuck

A thought is not a message about what is going to happen. Thoughts have nothing to do with character, which is a reflection of how you lead your life and what you choose to do. Believing even some of these myths can be responsible for ordinary intrusive thoughts becoming stuck. 
Blog post 06.03.2022

Anticipatory Anxiety: Bleeding Before You Are Cut

Anticipatory anxiety involves worry about—and the urge to avoid—not only anxiety or panic, but also disgust, anger, shame, regret, humiliation, becoming overwhelmed, or any other unwanted emotion. We think of anticipatory anxiety as a third layer of fear.
Blog post 06.03.2022

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive

It is natural to seek some reassurance when confronted with uncertainty. Reassurance can help to calm a doubt, allay a worry, solidify a plan of action, or guide a decision. 
Blog post 05.31.2022

What You Can Do to Overcome the Effects of Anxiety Disorders

It takes courage to successfully deal with anxiety disorders, but with lots of good information, coaching and support from your therapist and others you can learn to do it. You may not think that you have much courage because you have an anxiety disorder that make you fearful at times. However, courage is not acting without fear. It is acting despite fear. I have seen many, many examples of people with anxiety disorders who learned coping skills, to help them face their fears, and as a result got better and better over time. You can too.
Blog post 05.23.2022

Violating Expectations and the Metacognitive Approach

The recommendation most difficult to absorb by most clinicians is the suggestion that interventions that lower expectations of catastrophic or negative outcomes of exposure should be minimized in order to take advantage of the therapeutic effect of violating expectations. The question then arises as to how to motivate patients to do the exposure work while in the grip of serious anticipatory anxiety and suffering from the effects of their own anxiety sensitivity.