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Article 11.10.2009

School Refusal

School refusal describes the disorder of a child who refuses to go to school on a regular basis or has problems staying in school.

Article 11.10.2009

Childhood Anxiety Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If your child has generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, he or she will worry excessively about a variety of things such as grades, family issues, relationships with peers, and performance in sports. 

Article 11.09.2009

Anxiety Disorders at School

Your child’s anxiety disorder may affect success at school. If an anxiety disorder is causing your child to struggle at school academically or socially, the first step is to talk to the teacher, principal, or counselor about your concerns.

Article 10.27.2009

Substance Use

Moderate alcohol consumption—a glass of wine with dinner or a few drinks at a party—is no cause for concern for many people.

Article 10.27.2009

Sleep Disorders

Many of us toss and turn or watch the clock when we can’t sleep for a night or two. But for some, a restless night is routine.

Article 10.27.2009


Like other anxiety disorders, panic disorder can be treated.
Article 10.27.2009


Some people experience what is referred to as limited-symptom panic attacks, which are similar to full-blown panic attacks but consist of fewer than four symptoms.