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Page 09.22.2016

What Does Not Cause OCD

People who have OCD did not do anything to cause it. And it isn’t caused by the way parents raise their children. OCD is a neurobiological disorder — not a condition that is caused by action or inaction.

Here are some common misperceptions about the causes of OCD:

Page 05.25.2016

Keynote and Ross Lecture

Keynote Speakers & Jerilyn Ross Lecture

Keynote Speaker

Addressing Mental Health: A Time That's Come

Page 04.23.2015

Spread the Word

Help us spread the word about the benefits of treatment for anxiety and mood disorders, OCD, and PTSD — for children and teens, women, men, and all those suffering from related illnesses.

Page 04.29.2014

Donald F. Klein Early Career Investigator Award

The Anxiety and Depression  Association of America is pleased to announce an award to an early career investigator for the best original research paper on neurobiology, psychopharmacology, psychosocial treatments, or experimental psychopathology of anxiety disorders and depression.

Page 08.12.2010

Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

Children and teens with bipolar disorder experience unusual and extreme mood changes, which can affect energy and behavior. These changes are different from  normal childhood and adolescent ups and downs.

Page 12.10.2009

Social Anxiety Disorder and Alcohol Abuse

At around the age of 10, I became aware that I was different. I felt intense social anxiety. I had no skills to use to interact socially with my peers. I was quiet and blended into the walls.

Article 12.10.2009

Anxiety and Depression in Children

It is not uncommon for children to be diagnosed with both depression and an anxiety disorder, or depression and general anxiety. About half of people diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Page 12.10.2009

Treatment FAQs

Is treatment necessary? Will my child’s anxiety disorder go away on its own? Will he grow out of it?

Like other medical conditions, anxiety disorders tend to be chronic unless properly treated.

Page 11.10.2009


Like other medical conditions, anxiety disorders tend to be chronic unless properly treated. Most kids find that they need professional guidance to successfully manage and overcome their anxiety.

Article 11.10.2009

Childhood Anxiety Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If your child has generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, he or she will worry excessively about a variety of things such as grades, family issues, relationships with peers, and performance in sports.