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Webinar 06.05.2020

The SPACE Program: How Parents Can Help Children Overcome Anxiety

This webinar presents attendees with an overview of family accommodation and its associations with child anxiety and provide an introduction to the SPACE Program. Clinical trials in anxiety and OCD support the ability of SPACE to reduce family accommodation children's symptoms. Results of a recently completed funded randomized clinical trial of SPACE are presented and discussed.
Article 08.28.2018

Member Research News

Below is a listing of recent research and clinically focused ADAA member publications/programs.  If you are an ADAA member and are interested in sharing your research news here on ADAA's website, please contact Lise Bram.

Article 01.18.2018

Girls and Teens

Studies show that nearly a quarter of teenage girls display depressive symptoms and that over two-thirds of teenagers taking antidepressants are girls
Article 01.16.2018

Eating Disorders


Article 04.21.2017

Child and Adolescent SIG

Creates a place for clinicians and researchers to discuss, debate, and address issues relevant to the understanding and treatment of childhood anxiety and mood disorders. 
Article 12.10.2009

Anxiety and Depression in Children

It is not uncommon for children to be diagnosed with both depression and an anxiety disorder, or depression and general anxiety. About half of people diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Article 11.10.2009

Childhood Anxiety Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If your child has generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, he or she will worry excessively about a variety of things such as grades, family issues, relationships with peers, and performance in sports. 

Article 11.09.2009

Anxiety Disorders at School

Your child’s anxiety disorder may affect success at school. If an anxiety disorder is causing your child to struggle at school academically or socially, the first step is to talk to the teacher, principal, or counselor about your concerns.