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Webinar 11.08.2021

Uncovering Effective CBT - Preventing and Treating Depression Among Youth

CBT has demonstrated to be effective for the prevention and treatment of depression in youth. However, CBT can differ in content with different presence and duration of treatment components. In order to improve the effects of CBT and to find out WHAT works best, it is important to identify (non-)effective components of CBT programs.
Blog post 10.12.2021

Active Witnessing: Guiding Kids of All Ages To Do the Right Thing

When our family (KM) recently moved, my children discovered that in each of their new schools’ peers were using racist, sexist, and homophobic remarks, something they had not previously experienced. My kids were woefully unprepared - and it turns out this is not unusual.

Webinar 08.12.2021

Cannabis: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Upcoming live webinar featuring Martin Paulus, PhD. A study of recent publications need to be considered when one decides to use cannabis or need to be balanced against potential beneficial effects of cannabis.
Webinar 07.22.2021

Building Resilience: How Families Can Prepare for the Uncertain School Year Ahead

Our goal is to show how building resilience can ease the transition back to school this fall and help your children thrive despite the uncertainties and changes they will face. The panelists, a child and adolescent psychologist, a pediatrician and an adult psychiatrist discuss practical and evidence-based skills that parents can encourage in their kids as they move forward into a new school year.  
Blog post 07.19.2021

Returning Safely to In-Person Learning

One of the biggest adversities children have faced in quarantine is social isolation from their peers. Schooling and extracurricular activities associated with long-term education plans were the first to go during the shutdown, as the highest priority was to protect children from the spread of the virus. While necessary for the safety of the public, this has shown to have devastating effects on pediatric mental health.
Blog post 07.06.2021

An Update on LGBTQ Youth’s Mental Health

According to the latest mental health statistics from the Trevor Project’s 2021 Youth Mental Health National Survey, 42% of LGBTQ youth reported that they seriously contemplated suicide during the pandemic. Additionally, these youth experienced elevated rates of anxiety and depression due to social isolation as many were unable to further their gender and sexual identity development and expression due to a lack of accepting and affirming environments that were open during the pandemic.
Blog post 07.06.2021

An Update on LGBTQ Youth’s Mental Health (Professionals)

According to the latest mental health statistics from the Trevor Project’s 2021 Youth Mental Health National Survey, 42% of LGBTQ youth reported that they seriously contemplated suicide during the pandemic. Additionally, these youth experienced elevated rates of anxiety and depression due to social isolation as many were unable to further their gender and sexual identity development and expression due to a lack of accepting and affirming environments that were open during the pandemic.
Blog post 04.15.2021

Autism and Anxiety Disorders: Part 1 - A Guest Blog Post from SPARK

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders affecting those on the autism spectrum. Anxiety can cause extreme fear, dread, sweating, restlessness, and even chest pain. “A lot of us do experience anxiety, and we struggle with it in our own ways,” says Jairo E.