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Blog post 02.29.2024

Hope for Christians with OCD

Christians with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may be especially alarmed by intrusive thoughts that involve aggressive, sexual, or religious themes. Christians with OCD might start to wonder, “What does it mean about me, that I’m having this thought?” and may wonder if they secretly are, deep down, a pedophile, murderer, or monster.
Blog post 09.12.2023

The Case for Green Space: A Cost-Effective Mental Health Resource

City life is attractive to many people, but seemingly endless high-rises and gridlocked traffic leave little room for city dwellers to reap the benefits that green spaces may have to offer. In our rapidly urbanizing world, more than half of the global population have made their homes in cities.

Blog post 06.13.2023

What is Trauma, What is PTSD, Who is Affected, and How to Get Help

What happens in PTSD, is that the brain goes into the fight and flight mode and is constantly on alert to protect the person from recurrence of the highly dangerous experience. But the problem is that it cannot come down from that state of heightened arousal, even after leaving the dangerous situation, and coming back to the safe life environment. 
Blog post 03.24.2023

The Black Church: Our Refuge, Our Mental Health

Working with Black churches to create a better today and a much better tomorrow in the field (literally) of mental health care for African Americans are three Black leaders in mental health who will present at the 2023 ADAA Conference. ADAA is excited to have Bernadine Waller, PhD, Atasha Jordan, MBA, MD and Kimberly Arnold, MPH, PhD discuss their work, research and findings in a presentation titled Implementing Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions in Black Churches.
Blog post 02.08.2023

Keep Your Mental Health in the Game: Therapy and Support for Athletes

Athletes will continue to work hard, push themselves, and make their bodies do things many of us can only marvel at, but the attention and awareness to mental health in the field of sports gives them a fighting chance with conditions like anxiety and depression.