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Blog post 12.07.2022

Succeeding in Your First Job Application, Part 1

Are you a newly trained CBT therapist, wondering how to start your first independent practice?  Perhaps you want to join an existing group of therapists, or you dream of renting an office and having your own practice.  When I talk to our students and members at

Blog post 08.23.2022

Providing OCD Clients with a Choice

With the emergence of I-CBT (which is not new, just new to many of us), we have additional options (for treating OCD). This does not mean we are throwing away other effective treatments like ERP and ACT. In fact, we are doing the opposite!  We have more tools  to provide clients to make sure they have the highest chance for success.
Blog post 07.18.2022

Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Beck’s Legacy That Could Change Your Life

It was one year ago in the month of July that Aaron Beck, MD, the founder of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) passed away. I write this blog post as a memorial to one of the great minds of our times and to acknowledge the tremendous impact Dr.Beck had on the field of psychotherapy.
Blog post 07.15.2022

Five Fantastic Formats to Engage Youth to Talk About Social Identity

The digital natives we child-focused clinicians work with are simply incredible. Not only do they know their way around technology far better than many adults, but they’re also often fluid with their identity: openly embracing either their or their peers’ diverse ancestry, gender identity, sexual orientation, religions, family background, financial standing, as well as neurodivergence and disabilities in themselves and others.
Blog post 06.22.2022

Like Mother, Like Son: Passing the Torch to the Next Generation

“The ADAA conference provided me with a platform to continue my journey forward into greater understanding of how best to support and treat the patients that I have come to be so inspired by…,” Alex said, adding he is also grateful to his mother and the chance to continue her work into the next era of mental health as the field expands and improves. 
Blog post 06.22.2022

How to Talk with Your Children and Teens in the Aftermath of a Violent Event

The key message for parents to convey after exposure to any type of trauma or violence is to ensure that your child feels safe and loved. This can be challenging given the frequency of these events.  Knowing what your child’s school is doing to address risk is important so that you can talk with your child and give them a safe home context as well. 
Blog post 05.05.2022

Strategies and Tips for Writing a Successful Conference Submission

So definitely submit to present. You do have something to offer either as primarily a therapist or a researcher or both. Do not doubt, just submit and see what happens. Conference submissions are not weighted based on presenters in the review process, so you have just as good a chance at acceptance as more senior submitters if you have an interesting and well written proposal.
Blog post 03.11.2022

How Black Women are Harnessing the Power of Racial Identity in the Face of Racism

Our growing understanding of the relationship between racism and health has enormous implications broadly and in relation to minoritized women. Black and Brown womanhood often results in the exposure to multiple oppressive and traumatic experiences uniquely dependent on the intersection among racism, sexism, and violence.