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Blog post 09.10.2021

How to Build Resilient Health Care Teams

The current pandemic has unleashed unique stressors on our health care community. While many medical and mental health care workers have responded with resilience, our health care workforce is not immune to the trauma and suffering they face.
Blog post 09.10.2021

How to Build Resilient Health Care Teams

The current pandemic has unleashed unique stressors on our health care community. While many medical and mental health care workers have responded with resilience, our health care workforce is not immune to the trauma and suffering they face.
Blog post 08.19.2021

The Aching Red: Firefighters Often Silently Suffer from Trauma and Job-related Stress

More often, people have heard about PTSD in the context of war, with combat-exposed veterans. While combat veterans often return to the normality of the civilian life after deployment, the job of firefighters, police officers and emergency medical services workers involves regular, routine exposure to all types of traumas, for years and decades of their careers.
Blog post 08.06.2021

New to ADAA's Annual Conference? We've Got You Covered!

If you are attending ADAA's Annual Conference for the first time, welcome. With over 1,100 attendees expected and more than 100 engaging sessions anticipated, events, and networking opportunities, it could be easy to be overwhelmed.

Blog post 08.04.2021

Ease Your Return-To-Work Anxiety

Each of us manages stress in our own ways—some healthy and some unhealthy. Being proactive can help minimize some of the more unproductive behaviors. This blog shares 8 suggestions to help you navigate through these unpredictable times.
Blog post 07.09.2021

Medical Cannabis: Cause for Pause or Avenue to Alleviation?

The growing popularity of medical cannabis coupled with increased rates of anxiety, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, has reignited a long-standing conversation about the potential effects of cannabis on psychiatric symptoms.
Blog post 07.09.2021

Medical Cannabis: Cause for Pause or Avenue to Alleviation?

The growing popularity of medical cannabis coupled with increased rates of anxiety, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, has reignited a long-standing conversation about the potential effects of cannabis on psychiatric symptoms.
Blog post 06.28.2021

Shaking Off the Social Rust after COVID-19

It may feel like your social skills are a little rusty due to COVID-19. The activities that we used to do, such as attending a social gathering or sharing a meal, may feel awkward or anxiety producing. It is normal to feel this way in the context of the pandemic.
Blog post 06.22.2021

Minute-by-Minute: Changing the Way we Measure Anxiety

ADAA Member Amanda Baker, PhD, Daniella Levine, BA, and Donald J. Robinaugh, PhD author this blog post: Anxiety takes many shapes. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) allows us a glimpse into the real-world experience of living with anxiety disorders.
Blog post 05.26.2021

Stress Less, Sleep More

If you find that you’re not sleeping enough—you’re not alone. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 35% of American adults skimp on sleep; and this rate is even higher in African Americans and other minority groups.

Blog post 05.18.2021

Retraining the Brain

ADAA members Sheila Rauch, PhD, ABPP and Carmen McLean, PhD - The past 30 years of research has seen vast leaps in our understanding of how the brain works in function and dysfunction.
Blog post 05.11.2021

How to Manage Post-Covid Anxiety

As the U.S. vaccination rate increases and COVID-19 rates decrease, the question on everyone’s mind is “When will things go back to normal?” Secondarily, a majority of people follow that question with “Why am I so nervous about returning to normal?”