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Hoarding, Stockpiling, Panic Buying: What's Normal Behavior in an Abnormal Time?
Symptoms of depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders have emerged or worsened for many during the pandemic.
Members in the News Archive
2020 Articles/Media Placement
12/31/2020 Pandemic Mental Health, Are We Entering a Fourth Wave?, MedPage Today, ADAA President Luana Marques, PhD
COVID-19 Webinars and Blog Posts
Understanding Hoarding Responses to Covid-19: Where Did All the Toilet Paper Go?
Hoarding behaviors range from the normal (i.e., acquiring and saving items we do not need and/or will not use) to the clinically diagnosable (i.e., having areas of your home that are not usable due to clutter). Most of us fall somewhere on this continuum.
State of the Science: Interventions for Anxiety in Older Adults
ADAA Telemental Health Providers
What’s Normal and What’s Not?
Everybody worries at times. It’s normal to worry about things like school, how you look, what you said or did in a certain situation, how your parents will react to something you did, or what the future will bring. But OCD takes worries and doubts to the extreme.
OCD at School
OCD is like an unwelcome guest with bad manners. It moves into a mind — and it doesn’t want to leave.