
Kathariya Mokrue, PhD
Emotional responses of witnessing and experiencing disasters, mass violence, and traumatic events can vary from person to person.

The news of the world can be scary for children and teens (and adults for that matter). Whether it’s rioting in the U.S. Capitol, looting in the streets of Portland, or people dying of COVID in the hospitals of New York, images of out-of-control behavior and death can be terrifying.

December 4, 2020
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
David H. Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and

Are you struggling with Covid fatigue? Is it becoming increasingly difficult to stay positive and strong? Come join our panel of experts, ADAA members Ken Goodman, LCSW, Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and David H.

Carol A. Mathews, MD

Symptoms of depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders have emerged or worsened for many during the pandemic.

Ken Goodman, LCSW

I recently had a Zoom call with a patient who leaves deliveries on her porch for a week and then disinfects the packages before opening them. Another patient shared how upon returning home she removes all her clothes in the garage, sprays her body with rubbing alcohol, and immediately showers.

Elizabeth Hoge, MD and Caroline Armstrong, BA
Even though all the hype around mindfulness can sometimes make it seem like it’s more of a trend than a treatment, there is evidence that practicing mindfulness can alleviate some physical and mental health problems.
Arash Javanbakht, MD

About a year ago I began to follow my interest in health and fitness on Instagram. Soon I began to see more and more fitness-related accounts, groups, posts and ads.

1. How can you know if something is an intrusive thought, or monkey brain, and what is a genuine desire to do something bad? Where do the intrusive thoughts even stem from? 

Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, especially those who are prone to anxiety and depression.  The social isolation, uncertainty about employment, income, health and the health of Covid vulnerable people you love has posed a unique challenge for us all.