
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is often misunderstood in our shared culture. Some people think of people with OCD as someone risky, potentially dangerous, or as someone with quirky personality traits.
How to Recognize and Support Children with Selective Mutism and/or Social Anxiety
November 15, 2023
Jacqueline Sperling, PhD and
This presented in partnership with McLean Hospital is designed for caregivers wondering whether a child might have selective mutism and/or social anxiety and what one can do about it.  
Holiday Parenting Q&A: Coping With Stress and Anxiety
December 5, 2023
Colleen Cummings, PhD and
Susan Wilson, PhD and
Nina Shiffrin Starin, PhD and
Are the holidays feeling overwhelming, stressful, and filled with anxiety? Join us December 5th for an exciting ADAA free, live public webinar for parents in partnership with Alvord, Baker & Associates, LLC.
virtual ptsd summit
November 7, 2023
During this two-hour virtual summit attendees heard from a variety of stakeholders on ways to more effectively support individuals living with PTSD and their support partners.
Have you ever knocked on wood to ward off bad luck? If so, you’ve experienced magical thinking.  
It can be difficult to talk about suicide. It’s a taboo topic, fraught with discomfort. Couple that with some harmful misunderstandings and our tendency, as a society, to shy away from hard conversations, and it’s no wonder that you may struggle to find the right words.  
In the U.S., anxiety disorders affect about one-third of the population. So it’s no surprise that a good number of artists and writers also suffer from anxiety and depression.
When a person seeks information about treatment for themselves or their loved one, the importance of connecting them with the appropriate level of care right from the start cannot be overstated.
Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts ADAA Winston and Seif
November 8, 2023
Martin Seif, PhD, ABPP and
Sally Winston, PsyD and
There is a lot of misinformation out there about intrusive thoughts. Here is your opportunity to ask Drs. Martin Seif and Sally Winston, authors of a bestselling self-help book about them.
Obsessive and compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms intensely impact individuals and the entire system in which they live. It can be beyond challenging and painful to watch someone you love struggle with severe anxiety, panic attacks, and engage in behaviors (or thoughts) that do not seem rational.