
Check out our ADAA members' new books - CBT for social anxiety, an action mindset for teens and thriving with anxiety. Helpful resources to support your mental health journey.

City life is attractive to many people, but seemingly endless high-rises and gridlocked traffic leave little room for city dwellers to reap the benefits that green spaces may have to offer. In our rapidly urbanizing world, more than half of the global population have made their homes in cities.

In the face of a perceived threat, your body often activates a fight-or-flight response. Heart in your throat. Butterflies in your stomach.
Parents of children with OCD are often not aware of how they can contribute to their child's behavior, or more specifically, how they unintentionally support the OCD through accommodating behaviors. This blog post explores the role of family accommodations in childhood OCD and provide strategies to help parents better support their child. 
Suicide isn’t an easy topic. Yet, we can’t afford to shy away from it. The reach of suicide is staggering, and its impact is tragic and often avoidable.
Supporting Your Child with Anxiety and/or OCD - Q&A
October 3, 2023
Mona Potter, MD and
Kathryn Boger, PhD, ABPP and
Join us for an informative free live ADAA public Q&A webinar, presented in partnership with InStride Health. The Q&A panel designed for parents and caregivers features experts Drs. Mona Potter & Kathryn Boger.
The countdown to the end of summer holidays is accelerating, and that can often bring on anxiety. In fact, the final weeks of summer can be some of the most stressful throughout the entire year! Many are worried about transitioning back to the hustle of meeting deadlines, the pressure of getting tasks handed-back post vaca, and facing a pile of emails. 
Surgery can be lifesaving. Surgery is often needed and can, for many conditions and situations, be a game changer. But more often than not, a surgical procedure for someone with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) will not help. It could potentially relieve the person of their symptoms for a short amount of time but it cannot treat or cure the underlying disorder.
While both Harm OCD and desire to harm someone involve thoughts relating to harm, distinct features can help differentiate between the two.
Although primary care physicians and other non-specialists in mental health feel comfortable managing less complicated anxiety-related disorders, OCD is a more complex diagnosis and ideally should be managed by a psychiatrist.  Before initiating medication, the psychiatrist will first do a thorough assessment to ensure that the diagnosis of OCD is accurate, and to determine the presence of coexisting conditions that may complicate the treatment.