
When to start, modify, and pause ERP for OCD Treatment
April 12, 2024
Tyler Grove, PhD and
ADAA 2024 Conference Recorded Presentation by Tyler Grove, PhD – University of Michigan, Department of Psychiatry. This talk aims to unpack the decisions behind starting, modifying, and pausing ERP with a patient. We will examine example cases and apply research findings to develop guidelines for this challenging decision-making process.
Science and Media in the Pandemic: The Media, Medicine, and Mental Health
September 21, 2021
Shane Owens, PhD and
Aneri Pattani and
David J. Cennimo, MD and

Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors Mental Health Professional Webinar Image
November 18, 2021
Marla Deibler, PsyD and
Renae M. Reinardy, PsyD and
This professional webinar presented will discuss Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors and the need for the advances in the treatment.
Optimizing Exposure Therapy for Youth with Complex Comorbidities and Presentations
July 20, 2021
Emily M. Becker-Haimes, PhD and
Hannah E. Frank, PhD and
Featuring Emily M. Becker-Haimes, PhD and Hannah E. Frank, PhD. This workshop will describe how clinicians can leverage principles of exposure theory to guide case conceptualization, using a four-step model of exposure therapy practice that can be integrated with other interventions as needed to best suit clients’ individual needs.
April 15, 2021
Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT and
April 15 live CE/CME eligible webinar with Karen Cassiday, PhD will describe the known symptoms of professional burnout, how they differ from depression and how they might manifest in a mental health professional.
Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression
January 16, 2020
Paul Holtzheimer, MD - ADAA Board Member and

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is emerging as a potential intervention for patients with highly treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Early, open-label studies supported the safety and potential efficacy of DBS for TRD but later randomized, controlled trials have yielded mixed results.

Complicated Grief and Its Treatment
September 26, 2019
M. Katherine Shear, PhD and