Anxiety and Depression

Apps for Anxiety and Depression
November 5, 2021
While apps are not a replacement for seeing a licensed professional, they can be a starting point for getting support, an add-on to treatment you are already receiving, and/or a helpful tool to have in your back pocket to help you stay on top of your overall wellness. 
Autism and Depression Webinar - SPARK Collab with ADAA
October 26, 2021
Shuting Zheng, PhD, BCBA and
Rebecca Sachs, PhD and
Dena Gassner, MSW and
Hear from an expert panel on the prevalence, assessment, diagnosis, treatment options, and experiences for those with co-occurring autism and depression. Presented in partnership with SPARK.
Depression and Anxiety- ACT Therapy Webinar
September 24, 2021
Diana Hill, PhD and
Katy Rothfelder, LPC-A and
This webinar will explore Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)—including mindfulness, acceptance, values-based living, and self-compassion.
CBT for Depression: Webinar
September 10, 2021
Robert Hindman, PhD and

This webinar is designed to introduce you to the basics of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for depression. The webinar begins by briefly describing the symptoms of depression. Next, we’ll cover behavioral activation, which is how to get back to living a life that’s in line with your values.

Building Resilience - Back to School
August 25, 2021
Mary Karapetian Alvord, PhD and
Dana Kornfeld, MD and
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Our goal is to show how building resilience can ease the transition back to school this fall and help your children thrive despite the uncertainties and changes they will face. The panelists, a child and adolescent psychologist, a pediatrician and an adult psychiatrist discuss practical and evidence-based skills that parents can encourage in their kids as they move forward into a new school year.  
Anxiety and Depression Wellness and Happiness Webinar
July 23, 2021
Learn how to boost your wellbeing, happiness, and life satisfaction despite anxiety or depression. With ADAA member Dr. Ashley Smith. On-demand after July 23.
April 6, 2021

ADAA Board member and health anxiety expert, Ken Goodman LCSW, shares helpful tips and strategies to manage COVID anxiety. Ken also interviews a former patient who struggled with COVID health anxiety.


Marijuana and CBD Oil
February 15, 2021
Robert Yielding, PsyD and

What does the research show? Many people are using marijuana (THC) or CBD (which is derived from cannabis or hemp) to help with their anxiety symptoms. Should I be using marijuana or CBD for my anxiety?

December 4, 2020
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
David H. Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and

Are you struggling with Covid fatigue? Is it becoming increasingly difficult to stay positive and strong? Come join our panel of experts, ADAA members Ken Goodman, LCSW, Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and David H.

Intrusive Thoughts
November 5, 2020
Paul Greene, PhD and

Intrusive thoughts can create intense anxiety and lead to rumination for those who suffer from them. ADAA members Drs.