
Early Detection and Treatment for Bipolar Disorder
June 26, 2024
Kirsten W. Bolton, LICSW and
This free live webinar aims to provide participants with an overview of early detection and treatment strategies in bipolar disorder. While early detection and finding the right treatment can be difficult, overcoming bipolar disorder is possible. Various resources and recommendations will be discussed for both individuals and their families.
How to Identify Signs of Depression and Talk of Suicide in Teens
May 3, 2024
Ryan Brown, MD and
When a teen seems depressed or talks about suicide it can be hard to know what to do as a caregiver. In this webinar Dr. Ryan Brown shares tips and strategies to identify the signs of depression and address the risk of suicide in teens.
When a Loved One Won’t Seek Mental Health Treatment: How to Promote Recovery and Reclaim Your Family’s Well-Being
June 11, 2024
Melanie VanDyke, PhD and
C. Alec Pollard, PhD and
Free - now available on-demand. Drs. Alec Pollard and Melanie VanDyke explain why some people behave in ways that are incompatible with recovery and offer suggestions for how to deal effectively with a psychiatrically impaired loved one who won’t seek help.
Activating the Environment: Practical tips For Caregivers to Enhance Care Coordination for Effective Treatment of Childhood Anxiety and OCD
June 4, 2024
Maya Massing-Schaffer, PhD and
Daniel Stone, PhD and
The InStride Health team discusses the importance of taking a systems-based approach to care, identify common challenges, and offes practical solutions. They also provide recommendations for how caregivers can facilitate “surround sound” for their child when working with the various adults in their child’s system.
Your College Mental Health Packing List
March 6, 2024
Sarah Olivo, PhD and
Michael Detweiler, PhD and
Join ADAA and Lumate Health March 6 for an insightful free, live Q&A public webinar for students and parents. It can be exciting to get a college packing list. And yes, picking out dorm decorations is fun, but those new Twin XL sheets aren't going to help manage the highs and lows that come with the transition to college.
Child and Adolescent Anxiety QA
February 29, 2024
Rachel Busman, PsyD and
Lynne Siqueland, PhD and


Elizabeth Penela Back to School Anxiety
August 17, 2023
Elizabeth Penela, PhD and
During this live free webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Penela provides specific evidence-based tips and strategies that parents and caregivers can use to help their children feel more calm and confident during this back-to-school transition.
social anxiety in teens
August 16, 2022
Jacqueline Sperling, PhD and
In this webinar, you’ll learn about the different ways that social anxiety can show up and the tools available to help you feel more in charge of your emotions.
Building Resilience: Help your Child Adapt and Thrive
September 21, 2022
Mary Karapetian Alvord, PhD and
Dana Kornfeld, MD and
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Learn practical and evidence-based skills to encourage in your children as they move forward this year.
Apps for Anxiety and Depression
November 5, 2021
While apps are not a replacement for seeing a licensed professional, they can be a starting point for getting support, an add-on to treatment you are already receiving, and/or a helpful tool to have in your back pocket to help you stay on top of your overall wellness.