Recorded Webinar

Feeling Safe at School – Coping with School Shootings and Mass Violence
August 25, 2022
Amie R. Newins, PhD and
Deborah C. Beidel, PhD, ABPP and
Learn strategies for managing fear and worry about school shootings for parents/guardians, teachers/school staff, and students.
Understanding and Managing Chronic Pain & its Relationship with Mental Health
July 13, 2022
Risa B. Weisberg, PhD and
Dr. Weisberg reviews the common problems that often come along with chronic pain, including anxiety, depression, difficulties with pain medications and other substances, and feeling misunderstood by medical professionals and others in your life.
The Role of Caregivers in Interventions for Youth Depression and Suicidality
July 11, 2022
Alex Bettis, PhD and
Kirsty Clark, PhD, MPH and
Autumn Kujawa, PhD and
Jessica M. Schwartzman, PhD and

5 Tips for Finding Success for Social Anxiety & Job Interviews
July 6, 2022
Tynessa Franks, PhD and
5 Tips to help you overcome your anxiety to do your best at a job interview.
The Brain, Body, and Sexual Health Connections
June 23, 2022
Rachel Rubin, MD and

Your physical health, mental health, and sexual health are all important for your wellbeing. However, the stigma surrounding these topics can make it embarrassing and difficult to ask questions to your loved ones or health provider.

All About Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors - BFRB
July 21, 2022
Marla Deibler, PsyD and
Join ADAA this Thursday for a free brief information and Q & A session to learn "all about '' BFRBs, how they impact those who are living with them, current trends in evidence-based treatment, and resources for support. 
Recovering from Bullying and Interpersonal Cruelty
June 3, 2022
Lisa Sosin, PhD and

The World Health Organization recently declared an international crisis of prejudice, racism, and interpersonal violence.

mental health research - ptsd - early career award winner - 2022
May 24, 2022
Sage E. Hawn, PhD and

Methylation of the AIM2 gene: A common biomarker for PTSD-related inflammation and neuropathology

#ADAA2022 Donald F.

Intensive Treatment Options for Selective Mutism
November 17, 2022
Put the Fun Back in Panic Treatment: Paradox, Defusion, and Acceptance
May 17, 2022
Dave Carbonell, PhD and
Professional Webinar Recorded at the Annual Conference - This workshop uses discussion and audience practice to develop its core premise: the key to successful treatment of panic disorder is to help people recognize, and disarm, their persistent efforts to oppose and control it, and the use of humor and paradox can greatly facilitate that work.