
Dominique Apollon, MEd, LPC

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2016 alone, there were an estimated 7,277,000 police reported traffic accidents in the United States.

Eda Gorbis PhD, LMFT

We all have that one feature on our face or bodies that we don’t like. Maybe your nose tip is a millimeter longer than you would prefer? Perhaps you feel that your cheekbones can be more pronounced? No matter the issue, body insecurity is common among us all.

Overcoming a fear of flying takes a lot of courage and practice. But it is possible with appropriate treatment.

Patrick McGrath, PhD

My newest way to explain OCD to a patient and family.

Dominique Apollon, MA, LPC, NCC

The “unknown” is anxiety provoking for just about everyone. So how will this upcoming school year be for our teens? We don't know, and neither do they.

Suma Chand, MPhil, PhD

There is no doubt that coping with chronic neurological illnesses can be very distressing. What is however not frequently recognized is the fact that the distress is often a full-fledged co-morbid (co-existing) psychiatric condition that is present alongside the neurological condition.

Patricia Thornton, PhD

One of the more difficult symptoms of OCD that my patients deal with is the presence of mental compulsions.

Michelle C. Lozano, LMFT

Discussing mental health is difficult for everyone, especially for those who experience their own mental health challenges. Our society has made this a taboo topic, which only exacerbates the issue.

Paul Greene, PhD

Living with chronic illness can sometimes feel like an insurmountable challenge. It can be demoralizing, scary, isolating, and frustrating. But there is hope. Read on to learn several helpful strategies to cope with chronic illness.