
Mitchell Greene, PhD

Most of us started out playing sports for fun. Practices and games were a chance to meet up with friends (old and new), to get away from our work-a-day lives, and take on an athletic challenge that got our hearts pumping and our endorphins firing.  

Kama Jensen, MEd, LPCC

Did you know the inability to experience your emotions causes anxious sensations? But that does not mean it's part of an anxiety condition. 

It’s easy to feel unsettled when we hear unsettling news on television or social media, particularly when several events happen at once.

Nicole J. LeBlanc, MA, Kate H. Bentley, PhD, and Naomi M. Simon, MD, MSc

The loss of a loved one to suicide is a far too common tragedy. In 2017 alone, 47,173 people in the United States died by suicide [1] and it is estimated that an average of 135 people are exposed to each suicide death [2].

Arash Javanbakht, MD

Imagine one morning you wake up to a loud sound of explosion, and in disbelief find out the whole city is in chaos. There is no electricity, no tap water, grocery stores are closed indefinitely, and there is no gas for the car.

Dominique Apollon, M.ED

Friends and family are great at being the go-to support for the occasional ups and downs we experience in our day-to-day lives.

Lindsay Israel, MD

Modern life keeps us very busy.

We find ourselves ignoring the fundamentals like our health, family, friends, community etc.

All that neglect causes dysfunction in our lives.

Updated October 2020

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