Career Development

Mark A. Smith, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, VistaGen Therapeutics, Inc

This blog post is presented by the ADAA 2020 Conference Gold Sponsor VistaGen Therapeutics.

Krystal Lewis, PhD

You may already feel overwhelmed by reading the title of this blog! How do I keep up with the changing trends and use social media effectively to promote myself?

Shane G. Owens, PhD, ABPP

Welcome to the big leagues, kid. You’re an adult now with a new job. You’ve been working for this all your life. Don’t screw it up!

Sound familiar?

Stefan G. Hofmann

1. What makes an application “wow” you? And the converse, what makes you want to stop reading an application on the spot? 

Luana Marques, PhD

On average, it takes 17 years for an evidence-based treatment to reach the community, and because of stigma, it may take an additional 10 years before a person suffering from mental illness actually receives treatment.

Kimberly Morrow, LCSW

Elizabeth Spencer and I just finished giving an ADAA continuing education webinar called, The Magic of CBT for Anxiety and Depression. We have found, from our workshops, that many master level clinicians have never learned the foundations of cognitive behavioral therapy.