
Anna Bartuska BS/BA, Derri Shtasel, MD, MPH, Luana Marques, PhD

Though none are immune to COVID-19, the rippling impacts of the current pandemic are unequ

Soo Jeong Youn,PhD, Torrey A. Creed,PhD, Shannon Wiltsey Stirman, PhD, Luana Marques, PhD

In an already challenged, and often under-resourced mental health care system, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in mental health needs across the globe1,2.

Stephanie Woodrow, LCPC, NCC

The night of Sunday April 19, I stayed home with my dog Ritz watching TV and eating takeout from one of my favorite restaurants. Later that night I became very ill, surprising because I’d been eating at that place for a decade without issue.

Overnight the world changed. Public health terms have become common phrases; we hear people talking about flattening the curve and social distancing. Scientists have become household names, with Dr.

Shane Owens, PhD, ABPP

Before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, many of us in mental health became aggressively helpful. We gave interviews to media outlets small and large and wrote content for wide distribution. Just before the World Health Organization made its declaration, some of us were already fatigued.

Patricia Thornton, PhD

I’m a specialist in the treatment of OCD and anxiety disorders. OCD is a debilitating mental health disorder whereby patients experience unwelcome, intrusive, disturbing thoughts (obsessions) that create anxiety.

Mark A. Smith, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, VistaGen Therapeutics, Inc

This blog post is presented by the ADAA 2020 Conference Gold Sponsor VistaGen Therapeutics.

Suma Chand, MPhil, PhD

There is no doubt that coping with chronic neurological illnesses can be very distressing. What is however not frequently recognized is the fact that the distress is often a full-fledged co-morbid (co-existing) psychiatric condition that is present alongside the neurological condition.

ADAA’s 2019 Annual Conference quickly approaches! The conference tagline “Transcending Cultural, Racial and Socioeconomic Barriers” was a call to action for presenters. We asked and you delivered. Of our over 160 amazing sessions, 75 will address the topic of diversity!

Shane G. Owens, PhD, ABPP

Welcome to the big leagues, kid. You’re an adult now with a new job. You’ve been working for this all your life. Don’t screw it up!

Sound familiar?