Women's Mental Health

The Myth of "Having it All"  - Professional Development Webinar
March 1, 2023
Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT and
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Krystal Lewis, PhD - ADAA Board Member and

The Myth of “Having it All:” Finding your Work-Life Rhythm for Female- and Women-Identified Mental Health Care Professionals


Diverse Women Graphic - Mentoring Women Webinar
May 13, 2021
Barbara Kamholz, PhD, ABPP Senior Advisor, Professional Education  and
Jessica Graham-LoPresti, PhD and
Sarah Hayes Skelton, PhD and
Keith D. Renshaw, PhD and
Karen G. Martínez, MD, MSc and
This panel uses an intersectional perspective to discuss the effects of sexual harassment issues on the mentor / mentee relationship.
Race, Stress and Black Mother and Infant Mortality: Emotional Health Matters
May 21, 2020
Angela Neal-Barnett, PhD and
Christin Farmer Kane, BA and