
Aleiia Asmundson might just be the youngest person to have ever attended an ADAA conference. Her father, renowned Canadian psychologist and professor, Gordon J. G. Asmundson, PhD, brought his daughter to ADAA conferences when she was a toddler, which may have influenced her decision to follow in her father’s footsteps.
Being transgender is not a mental health problem, says Dr. Keuroghlian, in the same way that being cisgender is not a mental health issue. Rather it is society and political agendas that create the mental health issues in many circumstances, he explains.
The annual Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) conference has become the mecca of evidence-based practitioners and researchers for anxiety, OCD, and depression.
Each year when we return to ADAA, we are reminded of the community that has lifted us up not just in our careers but also in our personal lives. We love this extended ADAA family, and we will always fondly remember that day we met at the conference.

ADAA Conference

Join us in Las Vegas (April 3-5) for ADAA's annual conference and connect with more than 1,200 leading clinicians and researchers from across the United States and around the globe focused on the latest anxiety, depression, and co-occurring disorders treatment and research.
Dr. Widge presented at ADAA’s 2023 conference on how he believes “mental disorders are brain network disorders” and how treatments like Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) are quite possibly the wave of the future for certain mood and anxiety disorders, and particularly those that are treatment-resistant. 
Therapy can vary from patient to patient, clinician to clinician, but two ADAA members who presented at the 2023 Annual Conference believe therapy for SAD and other related disorders can benefit from an additional tool. Their conference session, Me Talk Funny One Day: Teaching Social Skills for Social Anxiety and Other Disorders, not only confirmed that belief but explained it.
ADAA had the chance to chat with the 2023 Donald F. Klein awardee, Emily L. Belleau, PhD, and the 2022 awardee, Sage E. Hawn, PhD, about the award and what it means to each of them. Speaking together, the two clinicians were an impressive duo, each with her own set of skills, knowledge and study, working on separate but incredibly meaningful and valuable research. Both Dr. Hawn and Dr. Belleau expressed the importance of being recognized by ADAA for their work and the significance of their studies.
Working with Black churches to create a better today and a much better tomorrow in the field (literally) of mental health care for African Americans are three Black leaders in mental health who will present at the 2023 ADAA Conference. ADAA is excited to have Bernadine Waller, PhD, Atasha Jordan, MBA, MD and Kimberly Arnold, MPH, PhD discuss their work, research and findings in a presentation titled Implementing Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions in Black Churches.