
“Our first concern must be to assure that the advance of medical knowledge leaves none behind.”  A conversation with ADAA#2023 Conference Keynote Luci Baines Johnson
We anticipate a high-spirited, valuable and memorable ADAA 2023 Annual Conference in the nation’s capital and look forward to greeting you amidst the cherry blossoms in April!  
An impressive trio: a successful psychiatrist, an accomplished social worker with a PhD, and an astute young doctor of psychology with a bright future ahead of her, are father, mother, and daughter, who also happen to be ardent supporters of ADAA and the field of mental health.

At the Anxiety and Depression Association (ADAA), we value each and every one of our members and feel that all of them are a distinguished part of the ADAA “family”.

Timely Topics

Timely Topics Sessions

Experts provide clinicians and other attendees with accessible evidence-based information on timely topics encountered in the practice setting. Attendees will learn the very latest in evidence-based practice on an array of topics. Please note that sessions are subject to change. Check back soon for additional content!