Clinical Trials

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Search Clinical Trials for anxiety disorders, depression, OCD and PTSD

Before medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or before certain therapy methods are widely accepted as effective, they are tested on people who volunteer to participate in a clinical trial.

Organizations across the country are looking for people like you to take part in their research studies. The list of studies below have been selected from based on their inclusion of one or more of the following terms: anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is supportive of research that is conducted through clinical trials. Participating in research can potentially help change the mental health outcomes for you and others who suffer anxiety, depression, and related disorders. You may learn about new interventions/treatments that are being considered. 

Watch this ADAA & ResearchMatch video to learn more about research studies/clinical trials and you - where to look and what to ask

This website page is brought to you in partnership with ResearchMatch.

Search Clinical Trials for anxiety disorders, depression, OCD and PTSD

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