
by Tizz O'Toole
When my first panic attack happened, I thought I was having a heart attack.  I went to the ER. The doctor said my heart was fine.  I was 40-years old and healthy.  I had never heard the term panic attack.  So, I set out to learn more.  
by Cassidy Walker
I used to pass out from anxiety... yes, you heard me. I actually would faint from stress. At one point in my life, I finally gave up and told people "Yes, I am lying about my fainting spells", because I had no idea what was going on.
by Emily Stetzer
Through years of sharing one anxiety-ridden saga after another, we’ve come to learn that, though our OCD came in many different forms or “flavors,” we shared very similar mindfulness techniques to help us cope with our anxiety.
Fear of needles can limit your life and harm your health. It can keep you from getting necessary medical and dental care or becoming pregnant through in vitro fertilization (IVF). With COVID-19, many people want to overcome their fear of needles to get vaccinated. These 6 steps can help.
by Christopher Marcel
While many around me do not know, I am no stranger to anxiety myself. I suffer daily from OCD and I am in a constant battle to control it. I understand the importance of having the right resources and access to information to learn how to overcome mental illness.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment that challenges ineffective thought patterns (cognitions) and ineffective behavior patterns (behavioral) to pursue a more fulfilling life.
Anxiety and Depression Wellness and Happiness Webinar
July 23, 2021
Learn how to boost your wellbeing, happiness, and life satisfaction despite anxiety or depression. With ADAA member Dr. Ashley Smith. On-demand after July 23.
by Kristian Ranta
My oldest brother Peter struggled for decades with depression. He could not find help from antidepressant medication or other available treatment methods. Eventually, he died by suicide, leaving many questions unanswered. For years, I wondered why he could not be treated effectively and how could people like him be helped in the future before it is too late?
But what should those of us fortunate enough to be vaccinated return to? I didn’t exactly feel euphoric each day in my normal life pre-COVID-19. How should you choose what to rebuild, what to leave behind and what new paths to try for the first time? Clinical psychological science provides some helpful clues for how to chart your course out of pandemic life.