
by Briana Stanley
I am a college student who has dealt with depression for a long time. Growing up, I never had a name for it, but I knew I was off.  Within my community, things like depression and anxiety don’t exist.
by Kennedy Campbell

I was in the 10th grade when it happened.  I was in school and I had a massive anxiety attack. But for me anxiety affects  me differently and I ended up struggling in utter silence. My name is Kennedy and I have selective mutism.

by Deb Tokarz

It’s liberating to talk about my struggles with mental illness. That is now that I’ve come out on the other side. There was a time I hid my anxiety and depression because I was embarrassed and didn’t understand my emotions. I took solace in reading about others on the ADAA website — knowing I was not alone. 

by Amaranthia Sepia
My comic series featuring my character “Emo Bunny” is art therapy. It expresses the struggles of living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and my experiences with bullying. Pieces related to the first comic in the series, titled “Emo Bunny: Anxiety Monster” are featured in my mental health art show with SquidInk Art Gallery
by Trevor Clifford

“Hello, my name is Trevor Clifford, I am a video producer with 10 years of experience in corporate and commercial content. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.”

I write that first sentence in messages and emails every day, this essay is the first time it’s been followed by the second.

Anxiety and Depression in LGBTQ Youth: What do we Know and How Can we Help?
June 3, 2019
Alexandra Hamlet and

Dr. Alexandra Hamlet, a Clinical Psychologist with the Child Mind Institute in New York, discusses the current research and the current challenges facing young people who are members of the LGBTQ community. Dr.

by Nicholas Nayersina

When I was a freshman in high school I had my first ever anxiety attack. I remember it was a Tuesday, right at the end of first period biology class. I faked sick that day, told my teacher I needed to go home. I had no idea what was going on or how to handle the way my body was acting. This happened to me the next day and then the same thing the next two days after that, until my mom suggested I see a doctor.

Lana Ruvolo Grasser, BSc

Prior to joining the Stress, Trauma and Anxiety Research Clinic (STARC) at Wayne State University (WSU), I did not know much about the refugee community, aside from what was publicized as a political point of contention during the 2016 election. I now see it as the crisis that it truly is.

by Brittany Clarke
 I used to believe that I was alone. That every day was 3 am, with no one around to see me through a hard time. No one could possibly understand my inner turmoil. This is a little snippet of my story to discovering how wrong I was.