
by Melissa Osburg
​I have suffered with anxiety since I was a child. It has come and gone until approximately three years ago when it rocked my entire world. ​
by Simon Bank
My name is Simon Bank. I am 12 years old and I am from Los Angeles, California. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Obsessive Thoughts and I am not ashamed of it. I was first diagnosed when I was 7 years old.
Karen Cassiday, PhD

What comes to your mind when you think of Valentine’s Day? If you suffer from anxiety and worry, then there is a good chance that you are concerned about being disappointed or about disappointing someone.

Spirituality & Mental Health: What Clinicians Need to Know
June 13, 2019
MARE is a fashion label centered on owning struggles, failures, darkness, night’MARE’s and using them to drive success, growth and positivity. We urge our community to take action, pulling oneself out of a negative space and into a positive state. Life ain’t fair, but what are you going to do about it? 
by Adam Carey

Adam Carey_0.jpg I am writing to share a personal story of how a young man close to me suffered from mental illness and saw no other way out and took his own life. He was a well-respected member of the community and was passionate about many organizations, ADAA being one of them. It was his wish, in lieu of flowers that donations were dispersed among those organizations. 

by Kellene Diana

KelleeDiana_0.jpgMy name is Kellene Diana and I used to struggle with anxiety and depression. Nobody understood or wanted to understand; in fact they called me names and passed judgment before they even knew what I was going through. It made me so afraid to speak up and speak out about it that it completely silenced me for years. 

by Putri Surya

putri.jpgI’ve been pretty much battling with anxiety and depression most of my life for various reasons. However, the reason I’ve realized that possibly made my mental health quite difficult to bare was the fact that my parents in the beginning weren’t all that supportive. I assumed because I was honest and upfront with them about my issues, it would be easier to overcome them. I definitely thought wrong.