
As an ADAA member you enjoy many great benefits. But did you know that joining ADAA also enhances your professional growth?
Thinking, and even overthinking, is normal but when it becomes a mental health disorder, known as hyperawareness OCD, the person feels completely distracted and out of control.
Almost 75 percent of mental health professionals in the US today are white. That leaves roughly 25 percent as non-white, whether they identify as Black, Indigenous, persons of color or some other race or ethnicity.
Limit the depth of exposure to details. People can consume news in limited ways. In other words, learn what’s happening, then stop there. Avoid the urge for disaster voyeurism. If you have heard the story, you might not need to search for the images or the videos; if you have seen them, there is no need to revisit them over and over.
by Dominique Castro
The stigma of mental illness continues to be an issue in our world. Its impact will often delay a person who struggles with mental health from addressing their concerns the moment they have them.
Choosing a therapist can be an overwhelming decision: there are so many therapists out there, how can you be sure you are choosing someone who is the right fit for you?
It’s no secret that the healthcare industry is struggling to find and retain top talent. While the workforce landscape is competitive, recruiting talented employees is not impossible.
by Jami Schadler
At the age of 15, I developed an eating disorder and have struggled with it for 25 years. This past year I found my strength to finally beat this disease. During the last 25 years, I suffered in silence because the resources were just not out there.
by Small Boss
You’ll often hear people say, “I’m so OCD”. You may have jokingly said it yourself. We all like to keep things neat and tidy. Perhaps, “We’re all a little OCD,” right? Wrong. 
by Tim van Rooijen
Without therapy I truly believe I would not have been able to get better nor would I have been able to accept the anxiety as a part of who I am. My anxiety will never be completely gone and I have come to terms with that, but now I try to redirect it in a positive way.