
by Winnie Rosen
My mental illness began to show signs the day I turned 14. Prior to this, I lived a good life. I wasn’t extremely happy but I was content. I had some friends, I did well in school, and my family relationships were ok. But on my 14th birthday, this all changed.
Understanding and Managing Chronic Pain & its Relationship with Mental Health
July 13, 2022
Risa B. Weisberg, PhD and
Dr. Weisberg reviews the common problems that often come along with chronic pain, including anxiety, depression, difficulties with pain medications and other substances, and feeling misunderstood by medical professionals and others in your life.
The Role of Caregivers in Interventions for Youth Depression and Suicidality
July 11, 2022
Alex Bettis, PhD and
Kirsty Clark, PhD, MPH and
Autumn Kujawa, PhD and
Jessica M. Schwartzman, PhD and

by Tiara Johnson
I was one of those “strong” friends - on the outside. And I realize now how important it is to check in on your strong friends. Check in on the people in your life that seem like they are handing the uncertainties of life with grace and poise.
by Waylon Griswold
I woke up that day in early September feeling okay at first but around 8am, I became very depressed for no reason I could say exactly. I told my mother (grandmother) that I was going to go for a walk, but I had another plan. There is a 15–20-foot lighthouse by a lake near where I live. It is a truly beautiful place but, on this day, it wasn't so beautiful. 
by Tiara Johnson
For me as a Black woman, the celebration of Juneteenth is much more than just a 24-hour long holiday. Instead, it painfully reminds me of the strength, trauma and extreme sacrifice my ancestors experienced in order for me to be afforded the opportunities I have today. It also serves as a reminder of the continued work we need to do to ensure future generations are provided the same, if not additional, opportunities.
If your child has seen coverage of such an event, make sure you talk with them about what they think about it and how they think it impacts their life and the world around them.  
by Alberto Vota
Alberto has dealt with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for five years. Here are four ways (combined with medication and therapy) that he has found helpful in managing his anxiety and depression.