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Selective Mutism
Children who are unable to speak in situations where talking is expected or necessary, to the extent that their refusal interferes with school and making friends, may suffer from selective mutism (SM). As the Selective Mutism Association (SMA) notes SM is best understood as a childhood anxiety disorder characterized by a child or adolescent’s inability to speak in one or more social settings (e.g., at school, in public places, with adults) despite being able to speak comfortably in other settings (e.g., at home with family).
Personal Story
From Darkness to Purpose: How I Overcame Anxiety, Depression, and Alcoholism to Help Other Men
Depression consumed me, making even the smallest tasks feel impossible. I was stuck in a vicious cycle, drink to escape, wake up filled with regret, and repeat. I knew I had to make a change or risk losing everything. Today, I am a sober mental health advocate, 100 pounds lighter, and stronger than I’ve ever been, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Personal Story
Sobriety and Meditation: Finding My Purpose after Drug Abuse
Despite outward success, I had been abusing drugs and alcohol since middle school, a habit I developed to escape emotions I didn’t know how to handle. I knew I had to change or continue suffering indefinitely. Slowly, meditation became a habit, helping me manage my emotions better.