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Personal Story 04.11.2018

Bella King's Story

Bella King (2)_0.jpgMy name is Bella, and I’m 10 years old. Last year I was diagnosed with OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Personal Story 02.23.2018

Lift The Mask

Lift the mask_Full_Colour_BLK_No_Date_0.jpgFor the past 24 years of my life, I’ve been wearing a mask. 

Personal Story 07.12.2017

Allison's Story

allison kugel standing shot_0.jpgAt 3 AM on a July 2012 morning, I lay helpless on an emergency room cot, unable to experience any emotion other than fear and the physical sensat

Personal Story 05.05.2017

Being Ok with Not Being Ok

ChinaMcCarney.jpgI have lived with anxiety since 2009. I was 22 years old. My first panic attack occurred that year.

"My life began to change when I started to embrace my anxiety instead of being embarrassed by it."
Support Group 09.28.2016

Andover, MA-OCD Support Group

Clearview Horizons is pleased to announce the offering of a weekly OCD support group. In addition to providing an opportunity to connect with other individuals with OCD, the group also provides a weekly educational component focused on an aspect related to OCD treatment, such as&nb