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Page 09.14.2016

Fear of Vomiting, or Emetophobia

If you have a fear of vomiting, just reading the title of this article might make you a bit queasy. The mere mention of the "V word" might send you into a state of anxiety.

Article 10.19.2009

Specific Phobias

Although people with phobias realize that their fear is irrational, even thinking about it can often cause extreme anxiety.
Personal Story 04.24.2024

Living with OCD, Autism and Depression

I was diagnosed with OCD, autism, and depression. In elementary school, I always felt different—I didn't understand the people around me, and I was treated badly.
Blog post 09.26.2023

How Sensory Processing Impacts OCD

When an individual grapples with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), their brain perceives otherwise neutral situations, objects, or individuals as potential threats.
Webinar 11.10.2022

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) for Phobias

This webinar covers uses of virtual reality (VR) in treating phobias, presents key research findings supporting VR exposure therapy (VRET), and touches on Diversity/Equity/Inclusion (DEI) issues. The presentation includes seven secrets of effective VRET, eight ways to monitor client response, and two case studies. The webinar also discusses VRET’s benefits, potential risks, common therapist concerns, and two approaches to creating a VR exposure hierarchy.
Personal Story 08.31.2022

Living with Uncontrollable: Emetophobia

I wanted to share my story to let people know they aren’t alone. Emetophobia is a lot more common than you think. It’s fixable, and it’s okay to get help.