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Blog post 09.23.2019

How to Overcome a Fear of Flying

Overcoming a fear of flying takes a lot of courage and practice. But it is possible with appropriate treatment.

Personal Story 09.11.2019

Letting the Music Speak!

Mental illness is something that plagues Americans in each and every state within the country.  Depression, anxiety and PTSD are silent killers.

Personal Story 09.04.2019

Easy (A)nxiety - Short Film

I am a college student who has dealt with depression for a long time. Growing up, I never had a name for it, but I knew I was off.  Within my community, things like depression and anxiety don’t exist.
Personal Story 08.21.2019

Kennedy's Story

I was in the 10th grade when it happened.  I was in school and I had a massive anxiety attack.

Personal Story 08.16.2019

Getting My Smile Back

It’s liberating to talk about my struggles with mental illness. That is now that I’ve come out on the other side.

Personal Story 07.21.2019

Emo Bunny: Using Comic Art to Thrive Amidst the Chaos of Living with an Anxiety Disorder

My comic series featuring my character “Emo Bunny” is art therapy. It expresses the struggles of living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and my experiences with bullying. Pieces related to the first comic in the series, titled “Emo Bunny: Anxiety Monster” are featured in my mental health art show with SquidInk Art Gallery
Personal Story 06.07.2019

Trevor's Story

“Hello, my name is Trevor Clifford, I am a video producer with 10 years of experience in corporate and commercial content.