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Personal Story 04.24.2024

Living with OCD, Autism and Depression

I was diagnosed with OCD, autism, and depression. In elementary school, I always felt different—I didn't understand the people around me, and I was treated badly.
Personal Story 02.21.2024

Over The Moon

The story behind my newest single, "Over the Moon," stemmed from my absolute rock bottom. It’s as if the walls around me were caving in one after the other. Growing up became mandatory, and the light of being a carefree twenty-something blew out.
Personal Story 02.06.2024

Rising Above My Story of Depression and Anxiety

After a while, my life began to take on meaning. I let myself feel. I unearthed pain, raw emotions, and intense feelings. These are not minor feats, especially for anyone suffering from depression or anxiety.
Blog post 11.21.2023

We Can Be Thankful In Times of Anxiety, Uncertainty and Tragic News

Disastrous news gets delivered in a highly emotional way – often on purpose – and while having strong feelings for the victims of war, floods, earthquakes, mass shootings or horrific accidents is justified, we also have to be logical and in tune with our own emotional processes when interpreting the news.
Blog post 10.30.2023

Tips for Protecting Yourself and Your Children from Disturbing Media Images

Limit the depth of exposure to details. People can consume news in limited ways. In other words, learn what’s happening, then stop there. Avoid the urge for disaster voyeurism. If you have heard the story, you might not need to search for the images or the videos; if you have seen them, there is no need to revisit them over and over.
Personal Story 10.21.2023

I Need a Backbone

In September of 2015, I lost my dad suddenly. I often get connected to people who have experienced the sudden loss or loss of a parent at an early age — sometimes it feels like I should wear a name tag and say, 'I lost my dad early on'...
Blog post 09.26.2023

How Sensory Processing Impacts OCD

When an individual grapples with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), their brain perceives otherwise neutral situations, objects, or individuals as potential threats.
Personal Story 12.12.2022

A Teen's Story

I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was 13. I found out what mental health was a couple of days later by having a panic attack. After going to a therapist my mental health was getting better. Two years later my cousin passed away in a car crash.

Webinar 11.10.2022

Prolonged Grief Disorder and Its Treatment

In this live webinar, Dr. Katherine Shear will explain the relationship between usual grief, complicated grief, and PGD and describe how to recognize the latter.
Webinar 11.10.2022

Making Meaning from Loss - Moving Beyond Grief with Mental Illness

This webinar will discuss using processes within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and the latest research on grief, clinicians can support their clients in noticing and allowing their experiences of loss as a continuously unfolding process throughout treatment.
Personal Story 09.22.2022

A Widow's Perspective as a Suicide Loss Survivor

I made this video for others to see a different perspective of how suicide can impact a family. A widow's perspective. I want to share my story in hopes that it will give someone the feeling of validation and understanding.